Shock Waves, AIAA Journal, IJAI, JTST, Journal of Propulsion and Power, Journal of Visualization, Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 日本航空宇宙学会,日本機械学会,日本燃焼学会,日本火災学会,衝撃波シンポジウム,日本高速度撮影研究会,
A207:廣田光智 教授
[0] 著書
1) 東野和幸編(共著者:上羽正純,溝端一秀,今井良二,廣田光智,畠中和明,湊亮
[1] 原著学術論文(査読あり)
1) 廣田光智,松尾亜紀子,溝本雅彦,
2) 廣田光智,松尾亜紀子,溝本雅彦,
「Triple Flameの燃焼速度から考察する火炎先端の相互干渉」
3) 廣田光智,松尾亜紀子,溝本雅彦,
「Triple Flameにおける予混合火炎の火炎特性」
4) 永井良卓,廣田光智,溝本雅彦,
「Triple Flameの燃焼速度に及ぼす火炎面曲率の影響」
5) 廣田光智,溝本雅彦,升谷五郎,
「濃度こう配の時間的変化に対するTriple Flameの応答」
6) S. Koike, K. Suzuki, E. Kitamura, M. Hirota, K. Takita, G. Masuya and M. Matsumoto
“Measurement of Vortices and Shock Waves Produced by Ramp and Twin Jets”,
Journal of Propulsion and Power, 22-5,(2006), pp.1059-1067
7) M. Hirota, T. Yokomori, K. Yasuda, Y. Nagai, M. Mizomoto and G. Masuya,
”Burning Velocity of Triple Flames with Gentle Concentration Gradient”,
Proceedings of Combustion Institute 31,(2007),pp.893-899
8) 廣田光智,関根一史,橋本浩太,斉木厚志,高橋英美,升谷五郎,
8’) M. Hirota, K. Sekine, K. Hashimoto, A. Saiki, H. Takahashi and G. Masuya,
“Measurement of Fuel Concentration Profile at Leading Edge of Lifted Flame with Acetone Laser-Induced Fluorescence ”, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, (2009), Vol.4, No.2, pp.238-247
9) 高橋英美,廣田光智,尾曽洋樹,升谷五郎,
9’) H. Takahashi, M. Hirota, H. Oso, G. Masuya,
“Measurement of Supersonic Injection Flowfield using Acetone PLIF”,
Transactions of The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 51-174, (2009), pp.252-258
10) S.Koike, H. Takahashi, K. Tanaka, H. Oso, M. Hirota, K. Takita, G. Masuya,
“A Correction Method for Particle Velocimetry Data Based on Stokes Drag Law”,
AIAA Journal, 45-11, (2007), pp.2770-2777
11) 廣田光智,橋本浩太,尾曽洋樹,升谷五郎,
日本機械学会論文集(B編), 74-748,(2008),pp.2697-2703
11’) M. Hirota, K. Hashimoto, H. Oso and G. Masuya,
“Improvement of Laminar Lifted Flame Stability Excited by High Frequency Acoustic Oscillation”, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, (2009), Vol.4, No.1, pp.169-177
12) H.Takahashi, S. Ikegami, H. Oso, G. Masuya and M. Hirota,
“Quantitative Imaging of Injectant Mole-fraction and Density in a Supersonic Mixing Flowfield”, AIAA Journal, 46-11, (2008), pp.2935-2943
13) 滝田謙一,和田壮大郎,松原慶典,廣田光智,Xiao Qin,Yiguang Ju,
14) H.Takahashi, H. Oso, T. Kouchi, G. Masuya and M. Hirota,
“Scalar Spatial Correlations in a Supersonic Mixing Flowfield”, AIAA Journal, 48-2, (2010), pp.443-452
15) H.Takahashi, S. Ikegami, G. Masuya and M. Hirota,
“Extended Quantitative Fluorescence Imaging for Multicomponent and Staged Injection into Supersonic Crossflows”, Journal of Propulsion and Power, 48-2,(2010), pp.798-807
16) H.Takahashi, G. Masuya and M. Hirota,
“Effects of Injection and Main Flow Conditions on Supersonic Turbulent Mixing Structure”, AIAA Journal, 48-8, (2010), pp.1748-1756
17) 廣田光智,横森剛,
18) 廣田光智,尾曽洋樹,升谷五郎,
「気流の加熱初期における層流浮き上がり火炎の燃焼ガス特性」,日本機械学会論文集(B編), 76-770,(2010),pp.1614-1619
18’) M. Hirota, H. Oso and G. Masuya,
“Burned Gas Characteristics of Laminar Lifted Flame at the Beginning of Stream Heating”, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, (2011), Vol.6, No.1, pp.1-8
19) 中村祐二,山田雄一朗,廣田光智,齋藤務,
20) Y. Nakamura, Y. Yamada, M. Hirota and T. Saito,
“Strategy to diagnose ultra-lean (Φ<0.6) premixed flames by acetone-OH simultaneous PLIF with one-laser and one-detector combination”, Journal of Visualization, 14-1, (2011), pp.75-84
21) K. Hatanaka, T. Saito, M. Hirota, Y. Nakamura, Y. Suzuki, T. Koyaguchi, “Flow
Visualization of Supersonic Free Jet Utilizing Acetone LIF”, Visualizatoin of Mechanical Processes, 1-4, (2011), online journal
22) M. Hirota, T. Saito and M. Kawauchi, “Important Factors in the Starting Process of a Two-Dimensional Nozzle”, International Journal of Aerospace Innovations, 3-4, (2011), pp.207-216,
23) Y. Nakamura, Y. Yamada, M. Hirota and T. Saito,
“Successful Imaging of a the Preheat-zone of a Lean (Φ< 0.6) Flame: A The Potential Capability of Acetone-OH Simultaneous PLIF to Diagnose Flames at the Near-extinction Limit”, Journal of Visualization, 15-4, (2012), pp.281-291
24) 廣田光智,柏井太郎,佐々木大地,齋藤務,世利修美,
「チタンの溶解反応を用いたSrTiO3の合成」,粉体および粉末冶金,60-7, (2013),pp.330-333
25) L. Li, M. Hirota, K. Ouchi, and T. Saito,
“Evaluation of Fluidic Thrust Vectoring Nozzle via Thrust Pitching Angle and Thrust Pitching Moment”, Shock Waves, 27-1, (2017), pp.53-61
26) M. Hirota , Y. Nakamura, and Tsutomu Saito,
“Soot Control of Laminar Jet-Diffusion Lifted Flame Excited by High-Frequency Acoustic Oscillation”, Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, Vol.12, No. 2, (2017), pp.1-10
27) 廣田光智,畠中和明,齋藤務,Srisha RAO,
「亜音速FTVノズルの特性とその飛行実証」,日本航空宇宙学会論文集,66-1, (2018), pp.1-6
28) 廣田光智,鳥飼宏之,後藤好孝,佐々木崇志,飯塚光耶,齋藤務,
「加熱平板への水滴衝突現象を用いた間接消火法の検討−加熱平板表面粗さの変化と消火特性の関係」,日本燃焼学会論文集, 61-198, (2019), pp.361-367
29) 廣田光智,鳥飼宏之,斎藤寛泰,畠中和明,
「間接消火に対する高温壁面と液滴の衝突で生じる微粒化現象の影響」,Earozoru Kenkyu 特集「火炎とエアロゾル」, 36(3), (2021), pp.164-169
30) 廣田光智,
「音波による水を使わない新規消火方法」,日本燃焼学会誌 特集「進化する消火技術」, 65-211, (2023), pp.17-23
31) 斎藤寛泰,廣田光智,
「高粘度流体,ゲルを用いた広域森林火災消火における消火戦略」,日本燃焼学会誌 特集「進化する消火技術」, 65-211, (2023), pp.24-28
[2] 国際会議論文
2. 1 口頭講演(Full Paperによる査読あり・学術論文化したものを除く)
1) M. Hirota, A. Matsuo and M. Mizomoto,
“Transitional Response of Triple Flames Changing in Concentration Gradients”,
The 4th JSME-KSME Thermal Engineering Conference 2,(2000-10, Kobe; JAPAN),pp.59-64
2. 2 口頭講演(Abstractによる査読あり)
1) S. Koike, K. Suzuki, M. Hirota, K. Takita, G. Masuya and M. Matsutomo,
“Velocity Measurement around Ramp Injector in Supersonic Flow”,
Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power 2004, (2004-3, Seoul; KOREA)
2) S. Koike, K. Suzuki, E, Kitamura, M. Hirota, K. Takita, G. Masuya and M. Matsumoto,
“Measurement of Vortices and Shock Waves Produced by Ramp and Twin Jets”, 40th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, (2004-7, Fort Lauderdale; USA)
3) S. Koike, T. Ito, K. Hirose, M. Hirota, K. Takita and G. Masuya,
“Measurement of Flow Field Produced by Ramp Vortices and Twin Swirl Jets”, AIAA/CIRA 13th International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies, (2005-5, Capua; ITALY)
4) M. Hirota, S. Koike, K. Tanaka, K. Takita and G. Masuya,
“PIV Measurement of Single-port and Twin-port Injection in Supersonic Flow”, 21st International Congress on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities, (2005-8, Sendai; JAPAN)
5) S. Koike, K. Tanaka, M. Hirota, K. Takita and G. Masuya,
“Three-dimensional Flow Field Produced by Twin Jets Injected into Supersonic Flow”,
2nd International Conference of Flow Dynamics, (2005-11, Sendai; JAPAN)
6) H. Takahashi, M. Hirota and G. Masuya,
“Acetone PLIF Measurement of Transverse Injection into Supersonic Flow”,
2nd International Conference of Flow Dynamics, (2005-11, Sendai; JAPAN)
7) S. Koike, K. Tanaka, M. Hirota, K. Takita and G. Masuya,
“Measurement of Flow Field Produced by Twin Jets into Supersonic Flow”,
Tohoku-SNU Joint Workshop on Next Generation Aero Vehicle, (2006-7, Sendai; JAPAN)
8) S. Koike, K. Tanaka, M. Hirota, K. Takita and G. Masuya,
“Measurement of Streamwise Vortices Produced by Twin Jets Injected into Supersonic Flow”,
14th AIAA/AHI Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, (2006-11, Canberra; AUSTRALIA)
9) H.Takahashi, S. Ikegami, M. Hirota, and G. Masuya,
“Extended Injectant Mole-Fraction Imaging of Supersonic Mixing using Acetone PLIF”,
Asian Joint Conference on Propulsion and Power, (2008-3, Gyeongju; KOREA)
10) H.Takahashi, H. Oso, T. Kouchi, G. Masuya and M. Hirota,
“Scalar Spatial Correlations in a Supersonic Mixing Flowfield”,
47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, (2009-1, Orland; USA)
11) Y. Nakamura, M. Hirota, T. Saito, and H. Yamashita,
“Measurement of Flame Thichness via Acetone-OH Simultaneous PLIF”,
6th International Symposium on Scale Modeling, (2009-9, Kauai; USA)
12) H.Takahashi, H. Oso, T. Kouchi, G. Masuya and M. Hirota,
“Effects of Injection and Main Flow Conditions on Supersonic Turbulent Mixing Structure”,
16th AIAA/DLR/DGLR International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, (2009-10, Bremen; GERMANY)
13) H.Takahashi, H. Oso, T. Kouchi, G. Masuya and M. Hirota,
“Supersonic Turbulent Mixing Structure in a Staged Injection Flowfield”,
48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, (2010-1, Orland; USA)
14) K.Hatanaka, T. Saito, M. Hirota, Y. Nakamura, Y. Suzuki and T. Koyaguchi,
“Flow visualization of supersonic free jet utilizing acetone LIF”,
29th International Congress on High-Speed Imaging and Photonics, (2010-9, Morioka; JAPAN)
15) Y. Nakamura, Y. Yamada, M. Hirota and T. Saito,
“An Attempt for Diagnostics of Ultra-lean Flames via Improved Acetone-OH Simultaneous PLIF”,
The 5th International Symposium on Advanced Science and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, (2010-11, Kyoto; JAPAN)
16) Y. Nakamura, Y.Yamada, M. Hirota and T. Saito, “Visualizing preheat zone of ultra-lean premixed flames via acetone-OH simultaneous PLIF”,
7th US National Combustion Meeting, (2011-3, Atlanta; USA)
17) Y. Nakamura, Y. Yamada, M. Hirota, T. Saito, “Acetone-OH Simultaneous PLIF: A New Strategy to Diagnose Ultra-lean (Φ<0.6) Flames”, The 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization, (2011-6, Niigata; JAPAN)
18) K. Hatanaka, T. Saito, M. Hirota, Y. Nakamura, Y. Suzuki, T. Koyaguchi, “Experimental and Numerical Studies of Effect of Nozzle Geometry on Supersonic Free Jets”, The 11th Asian Symposium on Visualization, (2011-6, Niigata; JAPAN)
19) M. Hirota, T. Tsuji, Y. Nakamura, T. Saito, “Influences of Ultrasonic Waves on Blow-off Limits of Lifted Jet Flames”, 23rd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, (2011-7, Irvine; USA)
20) K. Hatanaka, M. Hirota, T. Saito, Y Nakamura, Y. Suzuki, T. Kobayashi, “Flow visualization of supersonic free jet utilizing acetone LIF”, 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, (2011-7, Manchester; UK)
21) L. Li, M. Hirota, T. Saito, “Numerical and Experimental Studies of Fluidic Thrust Vectoring”, 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, (2011-7, Manchester; UK)
22) L. Li, M. Hirota, T. Saito, “Numerical ad Experimental Investigations of Fluidic Thrust Vectoring”, Joint Symposium on Mechanical-Industrial Engineering, and Robotics 2012, (2012-1, Noboribetsu; JAPAN)
23) M, Hirota, K. Seshadri, “Characteristics of nonpremixed dimethyl ether flame stabilized in a co-flowing configuration” , The 8th US National Combustion Meeting, (2013-5, Salt Lake City; USA)
24) M. Hirota, T. Tsuji, Y. Nakamura, T. Saito, “Influence of Ultrasonic Waves on Lift-off Height Considering the Extended Premixed Flame Model”, Seventh International Symposium on Scale
Modeling, (2013-8, Hirosaki; JAPAN)
26) S. M. V. Rao, S. Asano, M. Hirota, T. Saito, “Study of Supersonic Free Jets with Applications to Volcanic Eruptions”, The 10th Anniversary International Symposium on The Center of Environmntal Science and Disaster Mitigation for Advanced Research - Joint Seminar on Environmental Science and Disaster Mitigation Research 2015, (2015-3, Muroran; JAPAN)
27) S. M. V. Rao, S. Asano, I Imani, M. Hirota, T. Saito, “Investigations on Compressible Mixing Layers in Confined Ducts”, 12th International Conference of Flow Dynamics, (2015-10, Sendai; JAPAN)
28) T. Ikeda, R. Fuse, K. Hatanaka, M. Hirota, T. Saito, S. Rao, “Investigations on Compressible Mixing Layers by Using Hot-Wire Velocimetry”, The 31st International Symposium on Shock Waves, (2017-7, Nagoya; JAPAN)
29) K. Hatanaka, T. Seguchi, M. Hirota, T. Saito and S. Rao, “ Influence of Nozzle Geometry on Mixing Enhancement of Jet in Supersonic Crossflow”, The 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, (2019-7, Singapore; Republic of Singapore)
30) M. Ito, K. Hatanaka, M. Hirota and T. Saito, “ Compressible Turbulent Mixing layer of Quantitative Measurement by Background Oriented Schlieren Method”, The 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, (2019-7, Singapore; Republic of Singapore)
2. 3 ポスター講演(Abstractによる査読あり)
1) M. Hirota, A. Matsuo and M. Mizomoto,
“Transitional Response and Structure of Triple Flames Changing in Concentration Gradients”,
28th International Symposium on Combustion Work-In-Progress Posters, (2000-7, Edinburgh; SCOTLAND)
2) M. Hirota, Y. Nagai, A. Matsuo and M. Mizomoto,
“Characteristics of the Premixed Flame in a Triple Flame”,
29th International Symposium on Combustion Work-In-Progress Posters, (2002-7, Sapporo, JAPAN)
3) Y. Nagai, M. Hirota and M. Mizomoto,
“Effects of the Flame Curvature of the Burning Velocity of Triple Flame”,
29th International Symposium on Combustion Work-In-Progress Posters, (2002-7, Sapporo, JAPAN)
4) M. Hirota, W. Wang, K. Sekine and G. Masuya,
“Characteristics of Triple Flame versus Concentration Gradients”,
4th Korea-Japan Seminar on Combustion and Heat Transfer & Combustion Engineering Research Center (CERC) Workshop, (2003-9, Jeju; KOREA)
5) M. Hirota, K. Sekine, H. Takahashi, K. Hashimoto and G. Masuya,
“Optical Measurements for Lifted Flames”,
6th World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, (2005-4, Matsushima; JAPAN)
6) K. Hashimoto, A. Saiki, M. Hirota and G. Masuya,
“Burning Velocity at Leading Edge of Lifted Laminar Flames”,
2nd International Conference of Flow Dynamics, (2005-11, Sendai; JAPAN)
7) K. Tanaka, S. Koike, M. Hirota, K. Takita and G. Masuya,
“PIV Measurement of Single-port Low-angle Injection in Supersonic Flow”,
2nd International Conference of Flow Dynamics, (2005-11, Sendai; JAPAN)
8) H. Takahashi, M. Hirota, H. Oso and G. Masuya,
“Measurement of Supersonic Mixing Flowfield Using Acetone PLIF”,
3rd International Conference of Flow Dynamics, (2006-11, Sendai; JAPAN)
9) K. Tanaka, S. Koike, M. Hirota, K. Takita and G. Masuya,
“Investigation of Angled Injections into a Supersonic Flow”,
3rd International Conference of Flow Dynamics, (2006-11, Sendai; JAPAN)
10) H. Takahashi, S. Ikegami, H. Oso, M. Hirota, and G. Masuya,
“Injectant Mole-fraction Imaging in a Compressible Mixing Flow using Acetone PLIF”,
4th International Conference of Flow Dynamics, (2007-11, Sendai; JAPAN)
11) K. Takita, M. Hirota, X. Qin and Y. Ju,
“Development of Effective Plasma Jet Torch Under High Pressure”
4th International Conference of Flow Dynamics, (2007-11, Sendai; JAPAN)
12) L. LI, T. Saito and M. Hirota,
“Numerical and Experimental Predictions of Fluidic Thrust Vectoring Performance”,
7th International Conference of Flow Dynamics, (2010-11, Sendai; JAPAN)
13) Y. Yamada, Y. Nakamura, M. Hirota and T. Saito,
“Diagnostics of Ultra-lean Hydrocarbon Premixed Flames via Acetone-OH Simultaneous PLIF Method”,
7th International Conference of Flow Dynamics, (2010-11, Sendai; JAPAN)
14) K. Ouchi, K. Yamada, M. Hirota, K. Hatanaka, T. Saito, L. Li, “Numerical and experimental investigations of fluidic thrust vectoring with oblique shock waves”, The 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, (2013-7, Wisconsin; USA)
15) M. Hirota, H. Torikai, T. Sasaki, H. Okimoto, Y. Matsuoka and T. Saito, “Visualization of Flame Extinction Process by the Effect of Liquid Droplet Impinging on Heated Plate”, The 31th International Congress on High-speed Imaging and Photonics, (2016-11, Osaka, JAPAN)